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Northern California Horse Properties for Sale Properties (152)

Showing 151-152 of 152 properties

Imagine riding your horse through a stunning scene of rolling foothills, magnificent woods, and babbling streams. This isn’t a scene from a movie; it’s from a typical Northern California horse property. Explore your own wilderness after purchasing a piece of CA land away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Take a break from “real life” and enjoy the quiet and solitude of a morning ride without passing a single person — unless you want to. Still moments are increasingly rare in our world and owning a Northern California horse property is the perfect way to capture these occasions on a regular basis.

There are plenty of factors to consider when analyzing Northern California horse properties for sale and there is no brokerage better equipped to help you through the process than California Outdoor Properties. Our team of experts is here to guide you each step of the way, from assessing the topology of the CA land to gauging the condition and usefulness of on-site facilities. We also help you research water conditions, setbacks, and other issues relevant to purchasing a Northern California horse property. Rest assured that you are in good hands to make the best decision in selecting a property for sale.

A haven for horse lovers, Northern California is the perfect location to focus your search. With a strong equestrian community and striking geography for you and your horses to enjoy, you will find no shortage of ideal horse properties for sale in Northern California. Because CA land is as varied as the people who inhabit it, we’ll work with you to determine your primary goals for your Northern California horse property. You can browse our online listings as well as receive recommendations from our qualified team members. In fact, we think you will enjoy the CA land buying process as much as we do!

Northern California equestrians properties benefit from diverse land and varied weather, making it a great place to find CA land for sale. Connect with one of our agents to get started on your search today. There’s no better way to strengthen your real estate portfolio while indulging in your equestrian fantasies than by purchasing a Northern California horse property for sale. Whether you know exactly what kind of CA land you’re looking for, or could use some gentle guidance, our experts make the purchasing process as straightforward and pleasant as possible. Take a look at our Northern California horse properties for sale — you won’t be disappointed.